What Does It Take?
The majority of the sales efforts and sales results’ responsibility are of The Business Institute senior team members. The SALES EXECUTIVE role is to support them in the everyday account management, clients nurturing and sales initiatives. The main activities include (but are not limited to) maintaining a live client database, relationship with selected clients and participation in the implementation of the various cross- and up-sales campaigns – including mailings, personalized mails, proposal writings, and predominantly telephone calls.
The sales activities cover the majority of the wide product portfolio of The Business Institute – open workshops, business simulations, training solutions as well as educational programs. These products target from the mid-size firms to the large multinational clients in Bulgaria. Thus, the SALES EXECUTIVE should serve them with the required high level of proven client-facing communication skills – both verbal and in writing.
What Are The Skills?
Empathy and focus on building and nurturing partner relationships with the clients are the key. You should be proactive and result-driven in nature. Excellent in communication and presentation skills. Self-drive and abilities to organize and implement with low level of supervision are your key assets. You will need to be able to generate and implement sales activations, which are highly efficiency-oriented and result-oriented. At the end of the day, it is about sales results and efficiency.
What Is The Mindset?
We need a proactive, energetic and highly motivated individual. A key feature of the mindset is ability to work independently, set-up working environment and be accountable for results. Unconventional approach to the goals achievement and meeting deadlines are must. Handling more than one task at the same time might be of great help.
Good organizational skills, orientation to deadlines and interim results are needed as well. These should be combined with good communication, account management and diplomatic skills. All these are connected to the client-facing set-up.
If you are interested in this demanding opportunity, please let us know by sending your CV and motivation letter at people@thebusinessinstitute.eu till 30 April 2021. We’ll get in touch with candidates, approved for an interview.
The Business Institute е катализатор на бизнес умения. Организира отворени обучения под формата на работилници, майсторски класове, бизнес програми в областите: мениджмънт, финанси, маркетинг, продажби, предприемачество и иновации. Предоставя трейнинг решения по поръчка и мениджмънт консултантски услуги.
С обучение чрез преживяване предизвикваме потенциала на участниците за високи професионални скокове и инициативи за позитивна промяна, бизнес и личностно израстване, повишаване на ефективността, иновиране.
Форматът на работилниците на Института включва работа по конкретни реални казуси на участниците и клиентите, холистична перспектива при решавнето им, дискусии с изявени практици гост-говорители. Формата на обученията е присъствена, онлайн, blended learning.
The Business Institute използва и адаптира за българския пазар методологии на Stanford University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Business Model Generation и др. Институтът партнира и с висши учебни заведения като създава с тях общи програми.
Екипът от фасилитатори на The Business Institute е изграден от практици с опит – мениджъри, предприемачи и експерти, сертифицирани в различни съвременни трейнинг подходи.